The Best of Both Worlds

Who doesn't love mediterranean and Asian cuisine? No one I met anyway. Tonights dish was a blend of both worlds. Now I bet you know where I got the title for tonight's blog post.

Anyway, I did a Greek inspired oven roasted chicken breast favoring the flavors of Herb de Provence,  served over some Asian inspired stir-fry rice. The blend of flavors was amazing and the general taste was outstanding! Best of all, these were Donatella's words! It doesn't hurt that the fact of the matter is, mediterranean and Asian foods are her favorite. The only surprise is that it took me this long to try to combine the two.

Unfortunately, I do not have a recipe ready at the time of posting this, but I will be updating this post with one as soon as I get it transcribed. And believe me, it was very good and well worth the wait.

Anyway, keep on keeping on and I will have a recipe for this amazing dish as soon as I can!

Please stay tuned for the recipe!


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